Shotgun/Sporting Clay Basic Fundamentals
Saturday, June 4th, 2022
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
As part of the CCFR (Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights) National Range Day, BRGFA sporting clays along with MSCA (Manitoba Sporting Clays Association) will be offering "Shotgun/Sporting Clay Basic Fundamental Program" for the first time!
This program is designed to introduce shooters to the basics of proper firearm safety and the basic Sporting Clay fundamentals that you will need to shoot a round of sporting clays. With the guidance of our instructors, participants will run through a mini 3 station sporting clay course.
Whether you have never shot sporting clays or have been shooting for a few years. This program will offer something for all skill levels.
Some of the items you will learn:
-Sporting Clay Basics
-Staying safe
-How to shoot a round of sporting clays/Rules/shooting tips
-What we use to throw clays
-What we shoot clays with
Participants must be 13 years and older.
1st Come 1st Served, limited spaces available!
$20.00 per participant
Cash, cheque or Etrans to:
Shotguns, clay targets, shotgun shells (12ga only), eye & ear protection will be provided. Register, arrive and have some fun!
Registration Deadline – Friday, May 27th, 2022
If you would like further information or have questions regarding the program, please contact Kelly Bourns @